
Teesom Update

Revision 24.16


The past few months have been a busy period for our development team, with several exciting improvements being made to enhance your Teesom experience. Most notably: we are preparing to provide integration with Paystri for the smoothest online payments yet!

Paystri Payments integration should be ready to go live within the next few weeks. Watch this space!

Improved payments flow

In the past there has been some confusion when it comes to your customers paying for an invoice after you have emailed it to them, especially when they use a saved card and Teesom sends them an OTP as a security measure.

We have improved that process to make it more intuitive and easy to follow.

For more details, please see: Customer Payment – Example

Improved custom ‘Payment Terms and Conditions’

With the addition of the ability to add a % based charge (or “surcharge”) to an Invoice, we have also improved the way you can provide a custom “Payment Terms and Conditions” message to inform your customer of the card payment levy, or of the option to gain a % discount when paying with cash.

For more information, please see: Payment Terms – Examples

Other Charges

Improvements to the way you can create your own custom charges for services not directly related to the imprint, such as Shipping Fees or Credit Processing fees, has been improved.

Most notably: you can now create a % based charge as well as a % based Discount!

Each of these can be calculated based on the whole order total, or just on the value of a single Job:

Percentage based charges

You can now create an Other Charge as a percentage of the Total Order Value, or based on the value of a single Job on the order.

For more information, please see: Other Charges

Percentage based discount

A normal “flat rate” discount is created as an Other Charge witha negative value.

Now, you can do the same thing, except enter a percentage value – you can have Teesom calculate the discount as a percentage of the total Order Value, or as a percentage of the value of a single Job on the order.

For more details, please see: Other Charges: Discounts

Improved markup detail

The “Profits” tab on the order has been improved to make it clearer just how Teesom has arrived at the retail prices being charged.

In addition, you can see a detailed breakdown of how the retail is determined for each product row .

For more information on this, please see: Markup Detail