
Teesom Update

Revision 24.18


Once again it has been a busy time for our developers, they’re inexhaustible in their desire to create the best Teesom Experience possible.

Some of the most notable improvements are listed below:

Tax Report

The tax report now has an additional filter that will allow you to include or exclude any invoices that are “Paid in full”

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Paystri Updates

In addition to various background improvements, it is now possible to see if you have ACH and Automatic Surcharging active in your Paystri setup:

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You will also be able to tell from the Payment Detail if a surcharge was levied, and how much:

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Order Entry: “Firm Due Date”

Another much asked for improvement is a new preference for if the “Firm Due Date” option on a new Quote should be “On” or “Off” by default:

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Art Stages on the Order view

You can now view and change the Artwork Stage of your imprints on the order itself with a handy dropdown:

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Remember to turn it on in the Company Setup, under "Order Entry" -> "Show Art Stage in Order Row"

Various Improvements

This release sees various minor improvements and fixes that are too numerous to list. Some areas that received some attention include:

  • The Job Board
  • The Order List
  • The Own Products List
  • New PO: Adding a temporary item
  • Calender: Order Detail popup
  • Some fixes to how Inventory Codes are handled
  • Some fixes to the purchasing flow